- 无标题文档










 管理学 - 工商管理 - 企业管理(含:财务管理 ; 市场营销 ; 人力资源管理)    
























 证券公司 ; 客户关系管理 ; 因子分析法 ; K-means聚类    


 securities companies ; customer relationship management ; factor analysis ; Kmeans clustering    




In the current market environment, the competition in the securities industry is already very severe. In today's era, if securities companies want to gain a foothold in the fierce market competition and develop for a long time, they have to pay attention to customer management. Paying attention to high-value customers, strengthening their own service level, reducing service costs and rationally integrating resources are effective means for securities companies to improve their core competitiveness. Reasonable segmentation of customers and relying on high-quality customer resources are the basis for enterprises to obtain long-term benefits.This thesis takes S securities company as the research object of customer segmentation, analyzes the current situation of S company in this aspect, and summarizes and discovers the problems. Through literature analysis, industry characteristics, and company needs, 13 customer segmentation indicators including commission contribution and interest margin contribution are selected from two aspects of customer value and customer loyalty as the data support for customer segmentation. Using the factor analysis model in SPSS software to reduce the dimensionality of the subdivision indicators, after obtaining 5 common factors, K-means cluster analysis is used to cluster the customer group of S securities company. After obtaining reasonable clustering results, according to the characteristics of different groups of data, the characteristics of each customer group are summarized and summarized. This paper divides the customer groups of S securities company into six groups: VIP customers, potential customers, A-class ordinary customers, B-class ordinary customers, free customers, and sleeping customers. After analyzing the characteristics of customer groups of different groups, the business services of securities companies are summarized and customer services of different standards are matched with customer groups to reduce service costs and improve service efficiency. In the end, this paper describes the safeguard measures and suggestions for S securities company's customer relationship management from four aspects: organization, system, technology and capital.To sum up, this study explores the theory of customer segmentation and demonstrates its practical application. It is instructive for the optimization of customer relationship management in the securities industry, and can be applied to the strategic decision-making of enterprise resource allocation and customer maintenance. It has the significance of providing practical reference for the customer segmentation strategy of securities companies.








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