Instruction of Submitting the Dissertation 

Step1:  Submit the PDF copy of your dissertation to the official website of the Library of SWJTU
website:  http://lunwen.lib.swjtu.edu.cn/PaperLogin.action
ID: student ID.
Password: Original password is the last six number of your passport No.
If any problem, please call the staff.

Step 2:  Download the authorization of your dissertation and finish it. which means you allow the library to reasonably use both electronic and printed copy of your dissertation)
Website:  http://lunwen.lib.swjtu.edu.cn/sqs.doc

Step 3:  After you finish the step 1 and 2, take a printed copy of your authorization of dissertation(with signatures of you and your supervisor) to the library for check.
JIULI CAMPUS: Book loan and return desk, First floor hall of the Jiuli Library
XIPU CAMPUS: Book loan and return desk, Area B, Second floor of the XIPU Library,

Step 4:  If the electronic copy of your dissertation, and the authorization have been approved by the staff, you can go to the school's departure system or the library's return desk for the departure process.



  1. We highly recommend you to have a Chinese friend to help you。
  2. If any problem, please call the staff.

JIULI CAMPUS: 87601258
XIPU CAMPUS: 66366533

Attachment:Authorization of Dissertation